Let’s get one thing clear:
My heart belongs to Boston sports until the day I die. My decision to start a blog about the Atlanta Falcons is simply, well, random. Allow me to explain.
I surround myself by Boston sports news, blogs, fan pages, and just about every other form of sports fan consumerism that you can imagine, 24/7. When I was asked to write for Sports Fan Unlimited, of course I immediately thought of writing about the Celtics struggles, the Red Sox red hot start to their 2021 campaign, or the Patriots QB situation. As badly as I wanted to let my inner Jarred Carrabis out, I also wanted to challenge myself with something different.
My Grand Idea:
I like to mask laziness with innovation. Rather than ponder what to blog about for any more than five minutes, I differed to the strategy that I use to pick restaurants when I become indecisive. I put every single team from the NFL, NBA, MLB, and NHL on a spinning wheel and let basic code decide my fate. The result of the big spin: The Atlanta Falcons. For whatever reason, I was expecting the Anaheim Ducks.
So be it.
For any Falcons fans who may ever come across this blog, I write for you with passion, creativity, courage, thinly veiled sarcasm, and cringey humor.
Interesting side note- When I was younger and playing trampoline football with neighborhood kids, I would be the Atlanta Falcons because I loved the color scheme and badass logo.
Oh, and sorry about that thing that happened. No ill will, right?
