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New York Yankees: Trade Deadline

PC: FanSided

The Yankees are in a spot that we do not usually see them in... On the outside looking in on the playoff race. They are in need of help going into this trade deadline and I am going to break down, what and who they need to be looking to trade for, come July 30th.

For Starters, the Yankees need Starters. It is clear that the Yankees need another STRONG starting pitcher to follow up Gerritt Cole. The Yankees will get Corey Kluber back come August but even with that being said, they need help.

It also would not be a bad option to look for one piece to add to their bullpen.

Possible Options:

  • Jose Berrios

  • Kyle Gibson

  • Max Scherzer (If he becomes available)

  • Pablo Lopez

  • Jon Gray

  • Craig Kimbrel (Closer)

Now let's talk about where the Yankees really need help. That is in the outfield, and the left side of the plate. The Yankees have way too much right handed hitting in their lineup which is a big reason they have struggled against right handed pitchers this season. The Yankees need to look for outfielders and lefty hitters this deadline.

Possible Options:

  • JOEY GALLO (Outfielder & Lefty Hitter)

  • Kris Bryant? (Can Play infield and outfield)

  • Starling Marte

  • Ketel Marte (Switch Hitting Outfielder)

  • Andrew Benintendi (Lefty Hitter & Outfield)

The Yankees look set in regards to their infield but it does not hurt to break down who they may be interested in trading for at the deadline to give depth off the bench. Voit is currently battling an injury and that is unclear how long he will be out for.

Possible Options:

  • Trevor Story

  • Adam Frazier

  • Anthony Rizzo

  • Trey Mancini

The Yankees need to add at least one starting pitcher and one outfielder before the deadline or it will be very difficult for them to narrow this gap in the AL Wild card race.

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